Inspire Pharmacy Launches an  eCommerce Website

Thursday, 12 January 2012
Following the success of Inspires Pharmacies Facebook Page, the business made the decision to invest in a SiteBuilder Pharmacy eCommerce + package
The new Inspire Pharmacy Website is an eCommerce+ package combining the existing Inspire Pharmacy logo and branding.

Created to promote Inspire Pharmacies Prescription offer across NHS and Private Prescriptions as well as providing a wide selection of health and beauty products available to buy online.

Inspire Pharmacy includes 'Ask a Pharmacist', allowing customers to complete an online form and request a call back from the comfort of there own home and an easy to use 'A-Z Health Advice' section.

If you are a Numark member and are interested in finding out what SiteBuilder Pharmacy can do for you, please contact :
0333 231 0333 
or e-mail  

Inspire Pharmacy Home Page

Powerful website solutions tailored to the needs of independent pharmacies
0333 231 0333

Website design by SiteBuilder Bespoke